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Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Jupiter Sun - The Greatest Achievement in Human History now AVAILABLE AS AUDIBLE BOOK - Can be Free if you setup a new Free 30-Day Trial Acct.

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The Jupiter Sun - Saves The Planet

jupiter sun, nuclear fusion, 2nd sun, Earth, SpaceX, NASA
Having a 2nd Sun in the sky is possible because Jupiter is a huge and safe Nuclear Fusion Reactor in Space.

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From MacCauley Publishers

"Your manuscript was brought to our attention at the latest Editorial Board meeting when we discussed the potential of its publication. Having read all the reports and taken note of the Editors’ opinions we can confidently state that your work was found to be a captivating, thought provoking read offering a unique addition to the genre as a thrilling, tantalizing read. Throughout there is a compelling honesty well-paced against the thrilling twists and turn; combining a deep emotional effect with an excitement that drags the reader to the edge of their seat beyond the final suspenseful scenes. Supported by detailed world-building a nuanced and complex cast, an immersive fast pace 'The Book To End All Books' is undoubtedly a well-written and crafted novel worthy of attention. It is the Board of Editors’ belief the work could have a place in the highly competitive genre."

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